Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Social Media Poster To Do

What do you need to do first?
1. Create 1 - 2  new facebook profiles.
2. Use English name and Chinese surname: Angelina Teo
3.  Verify all your facebook profiles with a mobile no. so as not to be banned by fb.
4. Fill out this form and inform me when your done.
5. Join this 2 groups first. Build your friends and followers.
6. For other posting details join here:
Products: @Products4L

7. Submission of Daily Report is Daily after doing your task. Submit it @ResselM
Make sure you tagged Siti Sarah in all  your posts for checking. No tagging will not be counted.
Daily Report is Mandatory. No Report No Pay
FB Work Name: 
Friends Added:
No. of Groups Join:
No of Likes:
No. of Comments:
No. of Viral Posts:
No. of Local POsts:
No. of Products POsts:

Monday, June 24, 2019

Social Media Poster-Job Descriptions

Job Objectives:

1. Active in FB Group daily
2. Build friends & followers daily
3. Like & Comment all of our posts daily
4. Post viral questions and engaging content daily (copy & paste) x10 daily (copy paste)
5. Post various local job posts on fb group x10 daily (copy paste)
6. Post our products daily. x10 (copy paste)

Working hours:
  • Flexible
  • Preferably can commit at least 1 hour a day
  • Daily reporting is compulsory

Daily Report is Mandatory. No Report No Pay

(Add as your friend Siti Sarah and tagged her in all the posts you made)

FB Work Name:
Friends Added:
No. of Groups Join:
No of Likes:
No. of Comments:
No. of Viral Posts:
No. of Local POsts:
No. of Products POsts:

Submission of the Report will be sent thru Telegram and further instruction. Please download Telegram App.


1 hour job daily. $20 a month (Singaporean Dollar)

If performance is great salary can increase to $30- $60 a month or commitment of 2 hours a day equivalent of $40 a month.

If you agree with this contract:
  1. Create a blogger account to submit your application. (Send your blog post link to @AskManagement and @ResselM on telegram)
  2. Email SarahHeartCo@gmail.com your application
  3. Add @GeneralStaff also in telegram
  4. PM @ResselM on telegram the following details:
Your application must include all the following details.

RE: Applying For Social Poster

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Marital Status
No. of Kids
Highest educational level (attach highest education cert)
Past working experience
Attach your ID & recent photograph
Residential address
Contact No.
Full Bank Name & Account No. (for salary purposes. submit this only when you are hired)

List down all your questions that you may have as well.

Note: Those applicants without recent profile photo on telegram will be automatically rejected.